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Status Updates posted by RolifaninVan

  1. Sure nice to see the love around here eh? Hope that continues for him this year! :D

  2. Did you see Roli's interview on the home page today? It was great to see, and especially that he's doing well and continues to have his usual professional and positive attitude about the team and his role on it. :) I was sad he didn't get to play tonight, but hopefully I'll get to see him in at least one game on TSN this year!

  3. You're a Roli fan too, I assume? :) It's always great to see people who have supported and respected him throghout his career. I love what that says about him and the way he's impacted and influenced so many of us.

  4. You're a Roli fan too, I assume? :) It's always great to see people who have supported and respected him throghout his career. I love what that says about him and the way he's impacted and influenced so many of us.

  5. I knew that was way too long. :P *save the interview on my phone, since it's web enabled and I found the link for it. It's great too that they've shown him that they're excited to have him there. :)

  6. I wouldn't actually get to go unfortunately since it's in Terrace (about 4-5 hours by car from here). I just found out that it'll be on Sportsnet Pacific, so I'll at least get to watch it! I just hope I won't have to work that night! *crosses fingers and toes*. Yeah, it would've been good if the interview was a bit longer, but I was excited that I was able to save t

  7. P.S. Just noticed that the game next week vs. the Canucks (in Terrace) will be on SPac! Hopefully he'll get to play it, at least part of it. I don't know yet if I'm working or not, but I've been off at 7 or earlier the last little while so hopefully that trend continues. And I can always try to switch if not. :P If I'm not working, do you want to come over and watch it with me?

  8. phew, still had room. :P I always think it's so cute that he seems to have friends anywhere he goes. I remember you telling me last year that there was an article about that (THN, maybe)? It's great too that people here are excited about him being there.

  9. So you saw our boy's Q and A on the home page, eh? Awesome to see that his transition is going well, and that he's excited about the season regardless of how much he plays. Awesome to see that the guys are making him feel welcome too.

  10. Sounds like everything's going well so far; I always think it's so great that no matter where he goes, he always seems to know someone. I hope I'll get to see their preseason game vs. the Canucks next week!

  11. Hey, long time no "talk"! How's it going? I can't believe summer's over; it's gone by so fast eh? I'm so glad I don't have to go back to school. :D Did you see Roli's Q and A interview on the front page today?

  12. Yeah I don't think I've read a single positive comment about it so far. What's your new username on there, if it's not LNOF?

  13. Thank goodness this place is still the same eh? Hopefully it'll stay that way. I don't think I've read any positive comments about the new OMB. Thank goodness for OAH too of course! :)

  14. Glad to see another Oil/Roli fan here! It's so great to see people still supporting and following him; I love what that says about him. :)

  15. Still can't see it on mine...the first box in Edit Profile Info for me is my birthdate. That's so weird that it's on yours but not mine.

  16. I must be blind...I followed your instructions exactly but couldn't see the "Personal Member Title" thing anywhere. ): I also didn't see it anywhere else in either the Profile section or the Portal. It's gotta be around here somewhere! ):

  17. Hey, forgot to ask in my PM earlier, how did you get the "Roloholics Anonymous" in your profile info? I couldn't figure out which box to put it in. ):

  18. Lol yeah I noticed that; that is kinda weird. In the "Personal Section" on the LH side of the screen, you should just be able to choose the "Set as Female" option, but if that doesn't work you may have to change it through the My Controls link.

  19. I really wanted to add the Roloholics Anonymous thing too, but couldn't figure out which profile box it should go in. ): Hopefully I'll figure it out sooner or later. Nice to see all the "Roloholics" around there though! :D

  20. Sweet, not out of room yet! It was sweet b/c it included everything...lots of goals, some Roli chants (including when he gave Smyth a piece of his mind!), the HNIC theme (the real one), etc.! It was worth the extra $ and iPod space. So now he really is permanently immortalized on there! :)

  21. Thanks! I couldn't add Roloholics Anonymous though (couldn't figure out which profile box thingie to put it in). ): How did you do it? Yesterday I downloaded the game vs. the Avs from March '08 on my iPod.

  22. Lol, I just noticed "Roloholics Anymous" again. I'm gonna put that in my profile info too! :D

  23. Hey, I recognize you from the OMB! You're a Roli fan too, I assume? It's so great to see people continuing to respect and support him. :D

  24. Thanks, me too! I figured if Roli isn't going to be #35 here then I may as well change it. And of course I'll always be a Roli fan in Van, no matter what his # is! :D

  25. I changed my username...guess that's kinda obvious. :P

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